Foreword for An African American Requiem


This revolutionary piece is truly an intersection
of art and current culture.

Damien Geter has masterfully curated this renaissance on a canvas of our consciousness and our necessary call to duty. This Requiem is as it should be-sobering and bold. A Thank You is in order, from me and from you, for his courage and vision, and for the hope it instills in our community. The work is a most salient reminder of our struggle, of where it began, how far we have come and the promise that rests in where we are headed.

Hostility and strife prevail, a seeming disregard for life and a conjuring of the pain of past atrocities. Devaluation of Black lives. This continued denigration of our culture, of black men and women, and sometimes of black children, must stop. The communal impact of generational and systemic discrimination over time is loss of confidence and a diminished will power. That is the unfortunate truth. This requiem defies that truth. It beckons from our souls a sense of fresh optimism so listen for it between the notes. Let that resonance overcome. Damien Geter presents a powerful and eclectic arrangement that reassures us of the courage of the likes of Ida B Wells. He shines a light on the truth that is the revolution of each movement. History bears witness to Beethoven’s monumental influence on symphony; the impact of emotions on classical music, and this Requiem illuminates the fire on that torch; it heightens all of ours.

Where others had stood up and spoken out, today this composer with unmatched creative genius has made his mark by gifting the world with a remarkable musical transcription. A war song. An anthem. Through moments of deep reflection you’ll come to appreciate that this Requiem is no dirge. It is a sacred call. Every chord striking a memory of all of the souls of our dearly departed from whom life was unjustly taken. A reckoning of love and hope. This work will revolutionize our path to activism. It is pacesetting classical music. Other greats have left their mark, and I am certain so will this maestro.  

James Baldwin said it best, “you write to change the world…” Damien Geter was born to write this masterpiece, and it will change how we show up in the world.

— Aminata R.Sei